The Cursed Potato

I was going to have some fries, and then to my demise,
I didn't  have any,
I didn't need many,
"My own chips shall rise!"
"Potatoes are what I require, if I wish to make my desire,
I will cut them thin,
Splash them with gin,
And then pop them in the frier!
I was getting potatoes down at the shop, picking the best ones of the lot,
When I heard someone burst,
"That potato is cursed!
It'll kill you before you shout stop!"
I shrugged off his exclaim, then went back to my domain,
I was cutting the skin, 
The potato went in,
And then a sound as loud as a train!
The potato jumped out of the frier, that man wasn't a liar,
Before I could scream,
It cut off clean,
The half of my body that's higher!